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4 Consequences Of Not Taking A Health Insurance Policy

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Despite more Americans seeking health insurance, others still ignore the need for health insurance even after the Affordable Care Act allowed citizens to get a government-subsidized healthcare plan. There are numerous consequences you can experience if you do not get a health insurance plan. Sinking in Medical Debt Without getting health insurance coverage, you’ll need to pay for your medical expenses out of pocket. Therefore, if you develop a serious health issue that needs emergency care or surgery, the treatment plan will be expensive and could result in bankruptcy.…

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3 Tips for Selecting Homeowner’s Insurance

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If you own a home, there’s a good chance that it is your most valuable asset. But, even if it isn’t your most valuable asset, you still want to make sure you have ample protection. Homeowners insurance is the best way to protect your property. However, finding the best homeowner’s insurance policy is what challenging than many expect. There are a lot of things to keep in mind when selecting a policy.…

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Why Home Coverage Rates Increase

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Home insurance is essential to meet financial losses when a disaster strikes. However, with time, you might notice that you are paying higher premiums than before. When you welcome a new fiscal year, coverage rates go up due to several reasons. Learn why home insurance payments can increase dramatically. Filing Tons of Claims When you file a lot of claims within a short period, you attract pricey premiums. Typically, an insurer flags you as a high-risk customer.…

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Top Reasons To Work With An Insurance Broker To Buy Business Insurance

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Building a business from the ground up can be incredibly exciting and rewarding. But, when you’re a business owner, you need to be prepared for the unexpected. One way to protect your company is by having the right types of business insurance policies. The type of business insurance policies that you will need will depend on the type of company that you own. Most companies will need at least general liability insurance, commercial property insurance, and business income insurance.…

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5 Ways Offering Employee Health Insurance Improves Your Bottom Line

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Should your small business offer employee health benefits? While these benefits help the employees directly, they also directly affect the employer’s bottom line. How? Here are five of the many ways your profitability can be improved by medical benefits.  1. You Retain Good Employees  It’s less expensive to retain a quality employee than to have to go find a new one. Some studies estimate that it may cost $4,129 and take 42 days to hire a new employee.…

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Things to Know When Enrolling for Medicare Insurance

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Medicare, a federal insurance cover, is available for those aged 65 years and over. Although Medicare is not mandatory, it comes with penalties for late enrollment. This means that you should have enrolled before or when you reach 65 years of age. The coverage is important because as people age, they need more medical care.  Over 67% of those aged 65 and above will require long-term care at some point, making Medicare insurance and Medicare supplement insurance quite essential.…

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Where to Begin When Choosing Homeowners Insurance for a New Build

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No matter where you are, there are likely new build communities popping up everywhere. If you happen to be one of the lucky owners of these new and beautiful homes, ensuring your property is absolutely something at the forefront of your mind. While at the core, homeowners’ insurance is fairly consistent no matter the age of the home, some special considerations come along with a new build. Start Before Closing Day…

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When Should You Drop Your Full-Coverage Auto Insurance?

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Full-coverage auto insurance offers the most protection you can have for your vehicles, but do you need to keep it on all your cars forever? Some people do, but others decide to drop some of their coverages at some point. When is the right time to drop these coverages? Here is an explanation of what full-coverage insurance is and signs that you might want to reduce your policy to a liability-only plan.…

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What To Look For When Choosing A New Auto Insurance Company To Do Business With

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Are you in the market for a new auto insurance policy? Here are a few things to look for when choosing a company to buy the policy from: Multiple Discount Options One important thing to look for when choosing a new auto insurance company to buy a policy from is multiple discount options. Even if you do not qualify for all the options now, your circumstances may change in the future, which may allow you to take advantage of the discounts that could save you a significant amount of money as time goes on.…

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Things To Consider When Shopping For Insurance For Your Commercial Truck

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Buying insurance for your commercial truck is similar in many ways to buying insurance for any vehicle, but there are some additional things you need to consider. Working with a commercial truck insurance broker is one way to make sure you cover all your bases and get the coverage you need for your truck. Basic Insurance Coverage Commercial truck insurance needs to cover the truck you drive every day in case it is involved in an accident.…

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